Super late models are the industry standard across the country of the ABC rules package. ABC rules are similar rules that many tracks in the USA as well as all of the major touring series utilize in order to let the racer race at various different tracks in different series without making too many changes. This set of rules allow for easy access to events often resulting in very large car counts.

Limited late models are a new division for Berlin in 2020. A unique looking car with various styles. They a hybrid of sorts. Combining Super Late Models and Outlaw Late Models. They best compare to the Wheelman Series that runs down south. We are excited to see them compete here in 2020.

The Sportsman division has also received a face lift in order to give it it's own identity. Dating back to full steel bodies featuring styles from the 80's and beyond this entry level class is sure to be a hit! This class is for the grass roots racer and the any beginner.

The entry-level based class at Berlin are the 4 - cylinders. This class allows virtually anyone to strap into a racecar and race competitvely. These cars aremostly stock 4 - cylinder cars with slight modifications for safety. These cars give the fans an exciting race sure to keep them on the edge of their seats! Looking to get into racing on a budget? Look no further than the 4 - cylinder class!

The Mini Wedge division is to provide the safest racing program possible designed to teach young drivers 6-14 years of age the skill, sportsmanship and fair play needed to compete on and off the race track. Berlin will be a great experience for both parent and child. Opportunities for continuous education and growth will foster personal and career growth. Our efforts will be recognized by others who view us as a benchmark for safety and fairness.

The Vintage Racing Organization of America (V.R.O.A.) is a club dedicated to preserving a form of circle track racing prevalent during the 1940's - 1960's. Cars must use pre 1948 bodies manufactured in the US or Canada, inline six cylinder engines, straight axles, leaf springs made for racing chassis, and required safety equipment. Berlin Raceway is host to several VROA Events.